First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone (mobile preferred)
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Event Interest:
You may choose to apply as a volunteer for any of our available roles. Select all that apply. Please be sure to read the related information and select which role you are interested in below:
General Volunteer: may include info booth, courier tasks, setup, cleanup, and breakdown, assisting at HQ or other locations, etc., engaging with people on the street, running interactive activities, promoting fun and celebration during the festival. Shifts available all three days. Time commitment varies, typically 4 hours per shift.
Server: serve food and/or drink at the Opening Reception located at Integrate HQ. Must have Serving It Right. Time commitment is approx. 3-4 hours.
MODO Shuttle driver: drive people to and from art crawl locations across the city. Full driver's license required. Time commitment is approx. 3-4 hours.
Photographer: Locations will be assigned by Integrate staff, and assignments must be completed. Shifts available all three days. Time commitment is approx. 4-5 hours per shift.
Gallery Assistant: assist in sale of artwork and other operational tasks related to running a gallery, be knowledgeable of artists' works, cash handling skills an asset. Shifts available all three days. Time commitment is approx. 4-8 hours per shift.
Clean-Up Crew: help us keep festival spaces clean and tidy. Some shifts may include late hours at Integrate HQ and/or the After Party. Shifts available all three days. Time commitment is approx. 3 hours per shift.
Relevant Experience:
Please indicate the skills you have that may be applicable to the volunteer role(s) you have selected:
First Aid Level
Emergency Contact:
Why do you want to volunteer with us?
Additional Information:
Do you have any medical condition or other needs that we need to be aware of?
Is there anything else you would like us to know?