The 8th Annual Integrate Arts Festival Planning Committee - Part 4
Here's the last round of introductions to our fabulous Integrate planning committee!
Brin O'Hare, Transportation Coordinator, Integrate Arts Festival 2014
Brin O'Hare
Q. What made you want to join the Integrate Arts Festival Planning Committee?
A. I wanted to get more involved in Victoria’s arts community. Being part of the Planning Committee seemed like the perfect way to do that!
Q. What book is on your nightstand?
A. Right now, Alice Munro’s Lives of Girls and Women.
Q. What is the yummiest thing in your fridge right now?
A. This amazing hummus from a local vendor in Victoria. It’s extremely garlicky so a bit dangerous in terms of social situations. But it is so good.
Q. What is your favourite spot in Victoria?
A. Beacon Hill Park. I live right beside it so I go for walks/runs there quite often. Plus, there are usually peacocks wandering around which is always fun.
Q. Coffee or tea?
A. Tea for sure. Preferably orange pekoe or early grey. I am obsessed.
Please draw us a picture of your most favourite artwork of all time:
Black Square by Kazimir Malevich - drawn by Brin O'Hare
Selina Pieczonka, Fundraising Assistant, Integrate Arts Festival 2014
Selina Pieczonka
Q. What made you want to join the Integrate Arts Festival Planning Committee?
A. The awesome people who have decided to get involved, it's an inspiring group of individuals. I wanted to support the local arts community and work with other creative, like-minded people - and who doesn't like throwing a party?!
Q. What makes you laugh?
A. Cat videos, or any animal video on the internet, really. Awkward dancing will do the trick as well.
Q. If you could integrate any two things, what would they be?
A. Beach weather and jam sessions should always go together. Always.
Q. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
A. Periwinkle blue. It's not the most practical shade of blue, but the cute name always makes me smile. It's the simple things :)
Q. What is your favourite spot in Victoria?
A. The Breakwater at Ogden Point (pre-safety rail).
Q. Coffee or tea?
A. Coffee to get me through the day, tea for relaxing. I tried to cut back on drinking coffee once. It was terrible.
Please draw us a picture of your most favourite artwork of all time:
The Lost Jockey by Rene Magritte - drawn by Selina Pieczonka
Hailey Finnigan, Promotions, Integrate Arts Festival, 2014
Hailey Finnigan
Q. What made you want to join the Integrate Arts Festival Planning Committee?
A. I joined the Integrate Arts Festival Planning Committee because I met Sheila, and she let me know about this fun opportunity to help out.
Q. What makes you laugh?
A. Just thinking about Arnold Schwarzenegger makes me laugh.
Q. What book is on your nightstand?
A. A book about hand-printing techniques called Print Workshop.
Q. If you could integrate any two things, what would they be?
A. If I could integrate two things they would be glitter and kitty cats.I'm not suggesting anyone glitter bomb cats, I know they wouldn't like it.
Q. What is the yummiest thing in your fridge right now?
A. The yummiest thing in my fridge right now is chocolate zucchini cake!
Q. If you were a crayon, what colour would it be?
A. If I was a crayon I would be Jungle Green.
Q. Favourite Song?
A. My favourite song at the moment is Dawn (Go Away) by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.