Gallery Feature: Luz Studios - Keeping it old school
We love Luz Studio's coined phrase "Modern Analogue" - perfectly describing owners Quinton and Diana's love of historic processes and craftsmanship with a contemporary aesthetic. At Luz, an old way of doing something is a beautiful way to create something new and requires some serious skill. No worries though, they'll teach you how to work with a variety of historical technical treasures including traditional gelatin photography, wet plate collodion, and photopolymer gravure printing to create beautiful images like this:
Beacon Hill, Victoria BC, 2013 by Luz Studios - image source:
Luz Studios is a big supporter the 8th Annual Integrate Arts Festival this year and we're so happy and grateful to have them on board!
Visit Luz Studios in the historic Rock Bay District at 569b Hillside Avenue or online at Read about some of their incredibly cool projects including a roaming tintype photo booth in Victoria's very own downtown Market Square on their blog and sign up for their monthly "Luz-letter" for the latest info. on upcoming workshops. Also, follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more Luz news!