RGB LED Workshop hosted by MediaNet & Limbic Media
Last weekend, MediaNet and Limbic Media hosted an RGB LED lighting control workshop that resulted in up to 8 projects that will be part of an exhibit during the 8th Annual Integrate Arts Festival! Led by Scott Amos and Justin Love, the workshop covered fundamental electronics skills, like wire stripping, inline soldering, and heat shrinking necessary for setting up and working wight the Neopixel LED strips.
RGB LED Workshop at Limbic Media. Image courtesy of Limbic Media.
If you're not familiar with things like an "Arduino microcontroller board", you might assume that this workshop was full of programmers and technology pros, but you would be mistaken. MediaNet and Limbic Media welcomed a varied group of participants ranging from visual artists & programmers who have never worked with lighting and electricians who had never experienced a coding environment before. Each and every participant brought their own unique perspective and skill set to their projects and this, combined with the expert instruction of the facilitators will result in an awesome display of lighting installations at Limbic Media during this year's Integrate Arts Festival. Find out more information about the show and sign up to attend the event on Facebook.
Image courtesy of Limbic Media
Limbic Media is a group of insanely talented scientists, engineers, technologists, and designers creating a platform of real-time interactive media control technologies for use in multi-media entertainment markets, education, research, and fine arts. Learn more about this innovative and mind bogglingly clever company on their website and Facebook page and be sure to visit them as part of the 8th Annual Integrate Art Festival on August 15th and 16th!